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What is Hypnotherapy?Hypnosis is a completely natural state of mind, a daydream like state where it's possible to achieve a deep state of relaxation. Indeed, you spend most of your day in hypnosis. The next time you’re away with the fairies or driven from A to B wondering where the past 5 mins of the journey went, then just know that you were in hypnosis. In hypnotherapy, your therapist simply guides you into that relaxed state on purpose, and further deepens that relaxation. They then bypass the logical conscious mind and tap into the 95% subconscious mind where work is done to find out what the belief is, where it comes from to release it.
What does it feel like?Like a relaxed daydream state similar to the time just before you go to sleep, or just after waking up. You’re fully aware of everything during the session and can recall everything afterwards. You’re in control. Please note that you do not need to go ‘deep’ into hypnosis. Even a gentle light level of hypnosis can give transformational results. So please don’t think that you need to be an expert at relaxing for this to work.
What methods do you use?Suggestion therapy, cognitive hypnotherapy, creative visualisation therapy, various NLP techniques, parts therapy and subconscious reframing, inner child work, timeline therapy, past-life regression and others. All dependent on your individual needs.
Why it matters?Your mind is made up of consciousness mind which is your very logical, very grown up, analytical, and rational part of your mind. It’s the part that knows what it wants, why it wants it, and how it wants to do it. It actively sorts and filters but has limited capacity and only makes up 5% of your mind. Anything that it’s unable to process falls below the water line into the subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind is the 95%. It deals with your feelings and emotions. It’s literal and believes whatever you tell it. It doesn’t have the ability to discriminate and can believe a million contradictions at the same time. There’s no logic in there. From the moment you were born to this moment right here, right now, it stores everything that it sees and experiences. However, it does the same with patterns of thoughts and patterns of behaviours, in that it downloads that programme and presents it to you. Great if you have good patterns of thoughts and patterns of behaviours, but not so great if those patterns of thoughts and patterns of behaviours don’t serve you. This forms your blueprint is formed. Your blueprint is your set of beliefs that you live your life by, your rules and regulations. BUT, remember there’s not an ounce of logic in your subconscious mind. There’s not a single belief in your blueprint that’s true; good or bad. They’re simply thoughts that you’ve thought time and time again, that becomes so strong often with an emotion attached to them, that you believe them and live your life according to them. This is why you can know something logically, but then you go and do the opposite ! why? because 95% of you believes something else. Hypnotherapy works in that 95% of you!
Can it be done against my will?You are 100% in control and indeed with my guidance and support you take yourself into that relaxed state of hypnosis. If you don’t follow the guidance you won’t go into hypnosis. No one can make you do something that you don’t want to.
How many sessions will I need?Each session lasts 40min - 1.5 hours. Hypnotherapy can bring about swift transformation in comparison to a lot of other therapies, but the number of sessions required depends on the nature of the issue and how willing, able and ready the client is.
What can it help with?Addictions, Allergies, Amnesia, Anorexia, Anxiety, Arthritis, Asthma, Bed-wetting, Bipolar, Blushing, Childbirth, Chronic pain, Claustrophobia, Confidence, Depressions, Exam nerves, Fears, Guilt, Hayfever, Headaches, Impotence, Insomnia, IBS, Marital problems, Memory, Nail biting, Nightmares, Panic attacks, Phobias, Psoriasis, Self-consciousness, Self-esteem, Shyness, Sports performance, Stage fright, Stammering, Stress Twitching, Weight. This list is not exhaustive so please feel free to contact me if your issue is not listed on here, and you want to find out if Hypnotherapy can help you.
What is coaching?The essence of coaching is to raise one’s awareness and personal responsibility within you to unlock your potential and maximize performance. It will help you to shift from feeling stuck, lost, with limiting self-beliefs / mental blocks and lack of direction. This is achieved through supportive 1:1 dialogue and collective collaboration, we identify your goals, obstacles and strategies with your desired outcome to help you move froward and come out of your comfort zone. A holistic view is taken in that your personality type and temperament is considered to fully understand how to motivate and support you. The information that comes through, will be information that you already know, but may not have accepted! Having confirmation will help you trust your own guidance and give you the courage to move forward into the life you are destined to create for yourself! You will be held accountable for the actions and will also be given homework to embed your actions for you to be fully empowered and integrated towards your desired outcome. Coaching can be for everyone and anyone from individuals, companies and groups we can support you to empower yourself and help you find your way forward.
What methods do you use?We use a variety of techniques and may even recommend specific lifestyle changes or holistic therapies to help you on your path.
What can it help with?• Improving relationships • Careers development • Improve work culture and promote productivity • Self – esteem / confidence • Day-to-day lives
What is Psychotherapy?Psychotherapy is essentially ‘talking treatment’ it involves talking about an emotional difficulty. Emotional difficulties can vary from anything from grief, anxiety, work issues, relationship difficulties to addiction to past traumas from an abusive childhood or toxic relationships. Together we explore your concerns, thoughts and feelings around whatever you want to work on in a safe, supportive and non-judgmental space, so you can feel heard and understood, this is your time to be you and speak without any fears. If you struggle to open up about your feelings, as sometimes this form of therapy involves intense emotional discussions, don’t worry we can gently work together to ease you into speaking your truth and to help you gain more confidence and comfort as time goes on.
What methods do you use?We use a combination of techniques depending on your situation and best approach for you from cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), psychoanalytic therapies, psychodynamic therapies along with NLP techniques. You may be asked to do 'homework' or activities to build and embed the 1:1 therapy session.
What can it help with?• Anxiety disorders, • Depression • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) • Phobias • Panic disorder • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) • Mood disorders • Bereavement • Divorce/ separation • Bullying / Harassment • Work Issues
What is energy healing?Throughout the body there is a network of energy channels called meridians, and energy centres called chakras, which create a flow of life force energy. This energy moves through and around these meridians and chakras, from the top of our head to the tips of our toes and back up again. Our life force flow is directly connected to the quality of our health and wellbeing. Life force energy is everywhere and we absorb it from our environment such as food, drink, exercise, nature and including human interactions that we have on a day-to-day basis. When the flow is seamless, we’re strong and vibrant. When the flow is blocked or restricted, it shows up in many ways including lethargy, tiredness, weakness, stress, anxiety and feeling lost. This can then manifest as sickness or dis-ease and can create blockages within life path. This energy helps our body heal, renew, and regenerate. Energy healing re-aligns and rearranges the energies that make up all levels of the bodies. Simple blocks and restrictions in our meridians and chakras can be minimised through regular activities such as mindfulness, journaling, yoga and other self-care tasks to allow space for energy to flow. However, some energy blocks and restrictions are harder to remove especially when it develops into a disease / health condition or where there is trauma. We can explore the root causes of your patterns, program and conditions to bring you back to balance into alignment, Please note that energy work is not a substitute for traditional medical treatment, and a person can safely continue both treatments side-by-side.
What methods do you use?• Breathwork • Emotional Freedom Technique • Chakra alignment • Crystal healing • Sound / Frequency healing
What can it help with?• Renewed and replenished energy • Remove energetic blockages from your life and health • Healing past traumas • Removing negative thought forms / patterns
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